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Welcome to EPIS

Your Trusted IT Partner

Information and Communication Systems Ltd, EPIS L.t.d., is involved in the IT area since 2000. 

It was founded by a group of scientists of IT area, with rich experience in the state-of-the art technologies, in order to combine research with entrepreneurship.

EPIS L.t.d.,is operating both in the field of software development, and consultancy services. It develops applications for the private sector, but participates also in projects in the public sector. It provides expert advice to implement technological applications in information technology to its customers but also to public bodies at national and international level. 

At the same time it is involved in implementation of research projects as a member of all research programs, and partnerships with research and educational institutions in Greece and abroad. 

EPIS L.t.d., has extensive experience in project management and in the process of preparing proposals from the conception to the implementation phase, for participating in EU funded programs.

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EPIS Ltd is engaged in the Research and Development in IT. In this context it is involved in writing proposals for such projects, studies to analyze user requirements and technical needs and implementing systems that support the above. Furthermore, based on claims of expertise, customers - companies, for the design and construction of simple WEB sites to complex portals.

EPIS Ltd participates actively in funded projects by both National and European aythorities. In this context, EPIS Ltd is part of a network of partners consisting of scientific organizations, institutes and companies for the design and implementation of software projects. Specifically, the company EPIS LTD:

• Is member of the consortium in EU funded project HEALTH +, within the IST framework, aiming at the development of a platform, for disseminating information through smart software (Intelligent Agents - Ontologies) to patients (overweight , diabetics, etc.) 

• Undertook the research study regarding specification requirements for the development of the government officials Information System on issues of convergence with the European Union for the Republic of Moldova. The final recipient was the Moldovan Government. The above Portal environment was implemented using a Content Management System (CMS-Content Management System), with use of open source: Drupal - Joomla, PHP, Apache, MySQL technologies. 

• Undertook and successfully implanted the Information System for support and management of all educational processes within National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government. 

• Developed a specialized middleware system for interconnecting and interoperating Greek Municipalities with Central Greek Internal Affairs Ministry premises. 

• Developed innovative graphical interface for concept representation as part of Global and local ontologies in the domains of medicine and e-Government within the frame of EU funded IST project CITATION 

• Develops for both individual and company customers focused WEB sites, undertaking activities as a complete production cycle, including users needs, aesthetics, usability, programming, publishing, hosting, etc, 

• Provides consulting services to the Greek Army, Department of Historical Archives for digitizing valuable historical content and publishing this to the Internet, funding from the Greek Information Society Initiative 

• Provides consultancy services to Greek National Opera, for implementing a complete framework of Digital Cultural Content actions, funded by the Greek Information Society Initiative 

• Designed and developed a Database for the Greek National Opera taking under account international standards, such as of CIDOC, for the needs of Greek National Opera 

• Developed a Portal for the needs of developing of a local network of offices in Russia, providing a collaborative environment for these local authorities to cooperate, given their distributed geographical locations

• Developed a virtual environment for the training of ship’ s captain personnel of the Greek Commercial Navy, in VRML, with the objective to be able to get trained from remote locations. 

• Developed an application for the navigation in interior areas, rooms, museums, exhibitions, based on location based and RF-ID technologies, providing dynamically relevant multimedia content on a PDA. 

• Developed a multimedia application for supporting learning activities for kids with dyslexia. 

• Developed an application for connecting concepts and digital content (photos) based upon a multilingual ontology that was developed specifically for this. 

• Developed a real time tool for IPR protection of photos (watermarking)

Glowing Keyboard


Epis Ltd, has expertise in technical aspects concerning the development, installation and maintenance of applications, software and hardware. The expertise gained through years of activity of EPIS Ltd. in IT, with emphasis in the participation in a large number of non-research and research applications at national and European level.


In addition, the company has rich experience in administration and project management at technical and administrative level, in all national and EU programs.


EPIS Ltd is involved in all areas of a proposal life cycle, such as, specifications, development, testing, exploitation and management as well as preparing proposals for various local and European funding frames.


Through its skilled personnel, it is able to undertake and accomplish the development of complex software solutions suitable for a great variety of project or specific user needs.

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